Friday 13 April: Noosa seduces

Author: Mr A

Location: Noosaville, Queensland

Our first full day in Noosa started early for me with a dawn swim with Ray. He is a regular down here swimming most mornings off the main beach in town, along with a bunch of other early risers keen to start their day in the water. The ocean was a perfect 24 degrees and I really enjoyed that! I’m not fond of cold water having endured the first 40 years of my life in the UK’s chilly clutches.

A coffee in one of the many lovely little joints along the famous Hastings Street was all part of the morning Noosa ritual for many it seems, judging by the number of people around – bearing in mind its still only 6.30am!

Ray and I then wandered a few hundred metres down the river from their apartment to get the boat, a slick 5.3 metre cruiser, and motored it back to the apartment’s private jetty to collect the girls, including Wendy’s lovely grandaughter Charlotte.

It was a stunning day for a boat trip, and soon we were beached on one of the many sand islands and having another swim. On the way back to the apartment we made an unplanned beaching, a hidden sandbank along the river catching our skipper by surprise and earning him the name Captain Sandbank!

What a life here in Noosa. We are absolutely seduced by it.

Tassie also enjoyed the attention from Charlotte.when we got back:

In the evening we went to Sum Yung Guys restaurant at Sunshine Beach, a 10 minute drive that gave us one of the best dinners we have ever eaten. Thai food cooked with the freshest local ingredients, served by knowledgeable young folk clearly passionate about providing a first rate experience for their customers.

My summary of Noosa; we could live here. It ticks all our boxes with safe cycling paths, endless paddling opportunities, plentiful dining out possibilities, friendly and classy locals who seem to take pride in their beautiful town. We just love it. No doubt our view is also coloured by our wonderful hosts Ray and Wendy who have made us just so welcome, and know how to show us the best of Noosa!

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