17 July: Bohinj – another day another ride!

Author: Mr A

Location; Lake Bohinj, Slovenia

Given the state of Mrs A’s toes and inability to walk, another ride was the only way to go. She put her ebike in turbo mode and managed to cycle one footed! An unintended benefit of these little beasts of bikes.

We rode up to Lake Bohinj, which was looking particularly sultry on this Wednesday morning.

Colour coordinated boats for hire along the shore
A serene sight if I ever saw one

We pressed on to the top of the lake and the awful Camp Bohinj…well awful to us anyway at this time of year – lots of people seem quite willing to stay there crushed together in the mud and mayhem.

We explored the upper reaches of the lake then decided it was time to start wandering back to rest up madam’s foot…35km of one legged cycling later!

Ridiculously clear and green water
Beautiful creek running into the lake from waterfalls up stream
It is hard not to admire this view
The off road shared path we cycle along, lined with beech trees

A lazy afternoon ensued, with only a wash loaded and hung out to chalk up any sense of achievement. But it didn’t matter…we’re chilling.

Late afternoon madam decided she was up to another little foray in search of wild flowers. I tagged along cos I’m good like that, I don’t bother to feign any interest.

Shades of purple…
Many shades of white….
And a little yellow thrown in….
And a beautiful native bee collecting red pollen…

It was not long before I noted the storm clouds gathering and pronounced there would be rain before nightfall. Catherine told me the forecast says not. I packed everything up and put us into rain mode, and was then proved correct as just after a lovely reheated pork curry the heavens opened.

There is no better sound to drift off to sleep than the patter of big drops of the wet stuff on the roof of our motorhome.

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