30 September: A Sunday on the lake

Author: Mr A

Location: Cicero, Indiana, USA

This was our last day with the “hosts with the mosts”, Carol and Tom. We had a substantial amount of wine and bourbon to soak up front last night, so the Eggs Benedict for breakfast was much appreciated and left us feeling a great deal perkier.It was time to try out those wave runners (jet skis). It went a lot less well for me then I had expected! I just could not get comfortable with the balance and steering, so quickly gave it up and returned dispirited to watch the nimble Mrs A roar off with Carol.Tom and I headed out on kayaks. I confess to taking inordinate pleasure from regularly waiting for him to catch up with me after my dismal performance with an engine underneath me.The bird life on the lake was prolific, and clearly had plenty of fish to keep them well fed. A bald eagle soared over head (sorry no photographic evidence), and the lakes edge was home to many Great Egrets.After all this activity it was time for another lunch down on the water’s edge in their bar-come-pergola named “Margariterville” – yes they are Jimmy Buffet fans. We had a fabulous Chardonnay (Cakebread Cellars) with all the lovely dips and roasted garlic Carol had made.To end this fine day, our last with these guys for a while, we headed off on their boat to potter around the lake and watch the sunset, clutching Manhattan cocktails Carol had prepared for us “to go”. Dinner at the local waterfront grill was a fun affair, with Carol and Tom’s neighbours from across the lake joining us.What a wonderful community this is, with the lake drawing people together and giving them common ground to chat about and build relationships.We went to bed a little sad knowing this was the last time we would see these guys for a while, but happy with so many great memories from this perfect weekend in Cicero.

Tomorrow we head south down into Kentucky to explore the geologically unique area of the Red River Gorge.

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