Author: Mrs A
Saturday: Location – Georgetown
Relishing in the fact we have a good mobile signal for the first time in a week we decided to do some planning. Mark’s mum’s funeral is not going to be until the 27th July, so we calculated we have time to get to Darwin, allowing us to see some new sights on the way rather than retracing our steps to Cairns plus allowing Mark to fly to the UK relatively quickly.
Finding somewhere for Tassie and I to spend time without Mark was a challenge, with most of the city centre caravan parks not allowing pets or having terrible reviews. After a lot of hunting around we eventually found somewhere about 55km outside of Darwin which sounds picturesque and full of birds with nice hosts who have already promised to make sure I do not become a lonely mad cat lady! If anyone is passing through Berry Springs towards the end of the month, please call on in and say hello to us.
After Mark booked his flights back to the UK, we roughly plotted our next couple of months of travel, taking us back to Sydney. All in all quite a productive morning.
We then decided to go and check out the Georgetown Rodeo, apparently the town’s biggest occasion of the year. What are the chances of being stranded in town on this very weekend? Clearly it was meant to be… We stuck around for a couple of rounds of lassoing bullocks and bull riding, before heading back to camp.
While at the butchers yesterday we had been recommended to head back to the rodeo grounds this evening for dinner. What occasion could be bigger than the town’s Rodeo? So off we went…
We had a selection of dishes from a buffet and a couple of spirits from the bar. It felt a bit like being at a country wedding where we didn’t know anyone. We sat up high in the bleachers and people watched… so many stetsons! Yeah hah!
Upon the tree beside us sat a little Grass Owl hunting insects in the spotlights. Just lovely.