3 June: Our last day in Mission Beach

Author: Mr A

Location: Mission Beach

Sunday is market day in Mission Beach – and you know we love a market. We did the quick lap to scope out the fresh produce stalls and munchies for brunch. Mrs A has given up finding any nice clothes stalls like we do in Sydney!In season at the moment are bananas (Mission Beach is the centre of massive plantations) and they taste just so full of flavour, so it was a steal at 7 for a dollar! Then “bush mandarins” – not so smart looking as a city variety…apparently..but tasted just great, and 6 for a dollar as well we couldn’t go past them. Now custard apples, a favourite of ours, they were just gigantic and we just had to have them, not worrying at this stage how our caravan fridge was going to squeeze them in. A quality problem to have.

Then we spotted a Thai couple offering a range of dishes to eat there, so we piled in to those and they were great as well. Really spicy tom yum soup that clearly was benefiting from having lots of home grown ingredients in there.Eating really fresh produce, and spending the time to find it, is something we are really enjoying and we think benefiting from in our overall health. Certainly when we have access to quality produce like this makes an incredible difference to the taste of the meals produced in our Zone. It’s also a good feeling to be giving our money to these local vendors not the big supermarkets.

The afternoon was spent trying to sort out our water pressure problems in the Zone. Again we had a trickle coming out the tap despite good mains pressure. We tried our usual tricks, but to no avail, so called Zone, who talked it though and came back with their verdict – a dirty water filter…again. It seems weird to us as we are only filling up on town water supplies. Anyway, they immediately shipped one up to Cairns for us. Good responsive service. Meanwhile it was dribble o’clock for washing up etc.

It was time to get ready to move on tomorrow and pack up the van, always a mix of excitement and a little sad to leave this gorgeous place behind.

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