Wednesday 16 May: A day in the baking Zone

Author: Mr A

Location: Halliday Bay, Qld

It was showery, windy and generally not encouraging us to race around. So Mrs A decided (with some not so subtle encouragement) to don the apron and get baking.

Firstly she produced this dairy and gluten free chocolate cake which was damm yummy (big thanks to friends Wendy and Jenny for the recipe) with our third pot of T2 of the day. The it was out a loaf – not sourdough this time, but a crusty white. Nothing fancy and it worked great – her first time with a recipe from the NY Times of all places!

It’s incredible to think we are so self sufficient that with just solar power, gas bottles and our water tanks and the Zone kitchen we can live and eat so comfortably. We love caravanning!

So eating done we decided the rain had cleared enough to go out for a hike along the beach and then up to the headland to a stunning lookout over Ball Bay, Halliday Bay and around to the next suburb of Seaforth.

Judge for yourself, how lovely are these views? We saw sea eagles soaring overhead, and once again there were many butterflies, sheltering in the lower reaches of the walk from the wind.

Our 5km hike concluded with sunset over the beach, enjoyed with a glass of red once we returned to camp. Life is good.

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