Day 16 : Wednesday 14 June: The start of the Gibb River Road

From: Kununurra 

To: El Questro, Gibb River Road

Distance: 102 (pah…I barely got warmed up stays the Cruiser)

It was tough to tear ourselves away from Kimberleyland Caravan Park in Kunnanaurra, would definitely recommend it if you’re planning a trip this way. This morning Catherine spotted a Rainbow Bee Eater hopping around on the water lilies on the lake at the front of our campsite.

I meanwhile had an early date in town with a mechanic. A stone had got lodged in our brakes and was making it prescience felt with squealing. So after the princely sum of $59’s all was sorted – wow I doubt miss Sydney prices. 

A pie and sausage roll brekky with a vanilla slice for later (OMG it was good) certainly set us for the drive down the first easy bit of the Gibb River Road (henceforth to be called the Gibb) Tarmac all the way to the turn off for our our next campsite at the famous El Questro resort. Still a working cattle station, its the most “up market” tourist facility on the Gibb with restaurants hot and cold running people (bless the tour buses), scenic helicopter flights and all the trappings of civilised glamping. 

We have a very nice pitch between several grey nomads vans, our neighbours advertising on the front of their van the fact that they are doing a ten year tour in it! Looking forward to picking their brains over the next few days. 

To get orientated on this massive property we went off on the bikes for a recon. There’s lots of four wheel drive tracks to explore and we did just that.

We are camped about 50 metres from the Pentecost river, Catherine captured some gorgeous reflections. 

Then it was back to the van for cocktails…Aperol spritzer…I know… we really rough it. 

Well you need a little something to cut through the dust! Counting Crows on the sound system, a Catherine spectacular curry coming later, and all is good with the world. Sigh of contentment…

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